As in many towns and cities in the east of the Netherlands, German Jews settled in Delden at an early date. Jews are mentioned in court records from Delden dating to 1695 and 1710. Nevertheless, the Jewish population of Delden always remained small.

Portrait of the widow Jacobs Delden, 1913 (source: The Jew Serbian Prince)
The Jewish community of Delden was recognized as an independent community in 1838. The community had its own synagogue, dating to 1760, and two cemeteries. The older of the two cemeteries is located on the Twickel estate behind the Huize 't Eysink mansion on the Hengelostraat. It was last used in 1786. The oldest remaining gravestone in the cemetery dates to 1764. The second cemetery, called De Plaai, was declared a national monument in 1970. It is located on the Flierweg. Both cemeteries are maintained by the local authorities.
During the Second World War, the majority of the Jews of Delden were murdered in Nazi death camps. In 1947, the Delden community was officially dissolved and merged into that of the city of Enschede. In 1974, it was reassigned to the Jewish community of the city of Hengelo.

Letter from the Hofmaarschalk Willem III with respect to an order with the butcher Leeuw in Delden, 1863
The Delden synagogue was sold soon after the war. For a time, it served as a storage place but was later razed. A stone from the façade of the synagogue is preserved in the Twente Museum in Enschede.
The Jewish population of Delden and surroundings:
The size of the Jewish community over time